Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing # 4

Blogs could be used as a forum to post tips for teachers. For example, after attending the staff development about PowerSearch Plus and Online Databases, I wanted to share this information with the teachers. A blog would be a quick and easy way to share this information. Teachers could add their own comments about searches, websites, etc. A blog could also be used to keep teachers and parents informed about what is happening in the library. A brief description of the day's activities and recognition of students or teachers that contributed in a positive way is a great way to validate the importance of the library. It could also be used to highlight books for a particular topic or concept. You could create a list of books that the teachers could use for lessons on visualizing, story elements and more. Teachers could add more titles to the list. A blog is a great way to share information with each other.

1 comment:

mmw said...

You're right - blogging is a great way to share information and even better, the sharing goes both ways. You can share with teachers and they can share with you and each other by making comments.

Keep up the good work - you are doing great!