Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bonus Activity

This first semester of school has been a great learning experience for me. When we were first given the challenge to complete the 23 Things, I didn't know how I was going to complete them and, as a new librarian, learn how to manage the library at the same time. Well, I did it, and it was well worth it.

I was reluctant at first to subscribe to the RSS feeds but now I find myself automatically looking for feeds as I search the web. I really like the way that Google Reader organizes the information that I want to see. I have already subscribed to too many feeds and spend too much time reading all the articles that I receive. But, I was able to direct my daughter to information on the web that was applicable to her college studies.

The most important thing that I learned from this course is that web tools are evolving at a rapid pace and with just a little bit of effort, anyone can learn how to use them.

After completing this course, I am more confident in my abilities as an Information Specialist/Librarian.


rookiereader said...

Way to Go! You finished! Did you think after the first day of Web 2.0 that we would make it this far? Enjoy that ipod! What color by the way?

Debbie said...

You did it! Doesn't if feel good to look back and see all you've accomplished? I agree with you about the RSS feeds. I look forward to reading mine. Congratulations on a great job!